Sylva Pauli and Franz Kafka

The artist Sylva Pauli has been artistically engaged with the writer Franz Kafka for years and whose aphorisms have inspired her to create sculptural and graphic exhibits. Some of them now adorn the interiors of our hotel.

In addition, we have prepared a small library where you can borrow or buy literature related to Prague, Prague artists, Czech cuisine, art and sustainability.


It is said that Prague is the mother of cities. At the same time, however, we could also call it the mother of museums and galleries, of which countless numbers have sprung up in Prague over the last two centuries. It is worth visiting some of them and not only in bad weather.

At the hotel reception you can buy tickets in advance or get advice, up-to-date information and tips about where interesting exhibitions, performances, festivals and other events are taking place.

We can't start anywhere else but at the National Museum, which is located in an imposing Neorenaissance building on the upper part of Wenceslas Square. Its collection houses 20 million specimens. Young and old visitors, Prague residents and tourists alike come to admire the unique collection of minerals, precious stones, meteorites and living nature. There are also exhibits on the development of man, historical prints and coins. A symbol of the museum is the huge skeleton of a mouse whale, which hangs from the ceiling in one of the halls. The mouse whale, the entire museum and its collections have just undergone a major renovation. Another distinctive feature is that recently, the neighboring modernist (and controversial) building, which used to house the Czechoslovak Parliament, was literally connected to it by an underground corridor.

The National Technical Museum is a special attraction for young and old. The museum is located on Letná, a green hill in the middle of a large park with a great view of Prague. The main building of the Technical Museum houses an impressive multi-storey room featuring steam locomotives, the saloon car of Emperor Franz Joseph I, the first Czech car, "President", which belonged to the first real Czechoslovak President T. G. Masaryk, among others. You can also see the legendary Tatra 87 that the famous travellers Hanzelka and Zikmund, circumnavigated the world with, or the plane of Czech aviation pioneer, Jan Kašpar.

The National Gallery is such an extensive institution that it occupies several important buildings in Prague. The collections of the oldest art can be admired in the beautiful Gothic area of the Anežský klášter monastery, which is named after its founder, the Czech princess and patron, Saint Agnes. Lovers of the Renaissance and Baroque then head to Prague Castle, where three exhibition palaces (Šternberký, Schwarzenberký and Salmovský) are full of treasures, including works by Cranach, Dürer, Goya, El Greco and Rubens. If you prefer more modern art, don't miss the extensive Exhibition Palace in Prague-Holešovice. It is home to a real gem, one of the largest collections of French art outside of France, including iconic self-portraits by Gauguin, Picasso and Rousseau. Monet, Renoir, van Gogh, Cézanne and Rodin can also be found outside of Paris. Three floors of the palace house an epically designed walk through of Czech art over the last two centuries with exhibits including internationally renowned artists such as Alfons Mucha, František Kupka and Toyen.

Our hotel is a proud partner of the National Gallery and, among other things, a sponsor of the exhibition, "Watercolour between Prague and Vienna".

A top institution for contemporary Czech and foreign art is the DOX Gallery.

One of the newest additions and rising stars of Prague's gallery scene is the Kunsthalle, which offers an interesting insight into the world of modern and contemporary art. The sensitively reconstructed space in a historic transformer building in the heart of the city, is at the foot of Prague Castle and near the Malostranská station.

The opposite side of the river (just cross the Mánesův Bridge) is dominated by the neo-Renaissance Rudolfinum. The building belongs to the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, and its Dvořák Hall, with its unique acoustics, hosts important concerts and festivals of classical music, the most famous of which is the "Prague Spring". Listen to the compositions of Bedřich Smetana or Antonín Dvořák in rooms where some of them premiered. Part of the Rudolfinum is also reserved for temporary exhibitions.

If you prefer a more intimate setting, the Kampa Museum on the island of the same name in Prague is an excellent choice. The reconstructed Sovovy Mlýny houses a permanent collection of the world-famous abstraction pioneer, František Kupka, and the exhibition program focuses on the presentation of post-war art in the Czech Republic.

On the Old Town Square, you will certainly not overlook the Gothic treasure, the "U Kamenného zvonu" house. Check to see if it's hosting an interesting temporary exhibition. The interiors, with their stone vaults and pointed arches, will take you back many centuries. By the way, the legendary Czech Emperor Charles IV is said to have been born here. The father of the fatherland, his portrait looks out at you from the 100 crown banknote. In these walls you can feel the pulse and breath of one of the most memorable periods in Czech history.

If you are looking for a unique theatrical experience, the legendary characters "Spejbl and Hurvínek" await you in Dejvice. The marionette figures of a father and son are carved from lime wood. Each represents a generation and its view of the world and they have entertained young and old audiences for a hundred years. They are the main characters in civil and fantastic stories and revues, consisting of short skits. They debate serious and non-serious issues with humor or irony. Puppetry has a long tradition in the Czech Republic. It is an important Czech cultural and social phenomenon, and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is an honour for the Hotel Moran to be a partner of this original theatre scene.

The Black Light Theatre Srnec, located near the National Theatre on National Street, is the first black light theatre in the world and whose performances have already been seen by more than 5 million spectators. Since its inception in 1961, the ensemble has regularly performed in nearly 70 countries and has gained international recognition. The principle, introduced by the founder of the ensemble Jiří Srnec, is based on the creative use of a simple trick; actors dressed in black are not visible against a black background, and the audience can only focus on props and objects controlled by them, which seem to lead an amazing life of their own.

From the pier at Rašínovo nábřeží, just a few steps from our hotel, you can embark on a journey of discovery on the water by taking a boat to the Troy district. The 75-minute trip on the Vltava River goes through the locks and will take you through the whole city. At your destination you will find the magnificent 17th century baroque castle ,"Troy", the Botanical Garden and Prague's Zoo.

The baroque castle of Troy is surrounded by a beautiful French garden. Inside you will find impressive ceiling and wall frescoes. These rooms are now used as a gallery, but concerts are also held here on an ongoing basis.

Right next to the palace garden is the extensive area of Prague Zoo, which is regularly ranked among the top 5 best zoos in the world. More than five thousand animals of almost 700 species can be seen in this vast area, some of the enclosures are unique in the world. You could spend the whole day here without getting bored. Or you can visit the nearby botanical garden, which also includes the Svatý Klára vineyard, a Japanese garden and a modern tropical greenhouse, Fata Morgana.

You can return to the hotel by taking the boat again or by using the bus which will take you to the nearest metro station. If your feet don't hurt too much, you can take a nice walk from Troy back to the city through Prague's green jewel - Stromovka Park.

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Hotel Moráň

Na Moráni 15 · CZ-120 00 Prague 2
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